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As a every year on first Sunday October, the New Apostolic Church Myanmar celebrated its Thanksgiving. Nation wide the altars were decorated with the produce from the field commemorating gratitude for the daily bred we ask from God for each other in the Lord’s prayer. Continue reading

The District Apostles from all over the world gathered in Washington DC for their first annual meeting. Their wives visited a charity organization, also the Bible Museum and engaged in a discussion on the early church.

After intensive deliberations during 2 days they made a short sightseeing tour visiting Arlington cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. An exhibition on various NAC programs rounded the program up. Continue reading


The events between Palm Sunday and Easter are full of suspense: a man is betrayed, scorned, accused, arrested, and killed. Jesus goes through hell and reaches heaven. A timeline from the Gospel of Mark.

Palm Sunday
It all begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. People are standing at the side of the road cheering Jesus Christ as He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. It is a moving sight. Solemn. Festive. Loud. This is something people do not see every day. They acclaim their king, throw Him kisses, stretch their arms out to Him, and are full of good thoughts for Him. He is considered a miracle worker, a good preacher. He is one of them, a man of authority. Jesus lets them be. He knows that His hour has come. He spends the night with His friends in Bethany. He wants to rest. Bethany is a place where He finds peace and quiet before the storm.

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At the occasion of his last divine service in Myanmar the District Apostle was presented with the first hard copy of the Q&A Catechism of the NAC in Chin Language. It was a project of hard work for quite some time. This doctrinal teaching book will now be distributed to all congregations, and youth. Continue reading

After their visit to Chin State the Apostles visited Sakhangyi congregation near Kalemyo. It was another joyful encounter with our faithful members in the North. The Divine Service was based on Luke 12:49. Jesus ignited a fire on earth. May it keep burning in Myanmar.

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Actually the purpose of the District Apostles visit to Myanmar was to introduce his successor. Thus his last trip but he was brought by the National Rector Sh. Matthew Thang to the Chin State where until recently no foreigners were permitted to visit. What was planned as a “last” became “first“. Way up in the remote areas of the hills of Thangmual we have congregations for over 30 years. All were founded and cared for by the Apostle David Thang, today retired. Continue reading

Coming Sunday the New Apostolic Church worldwide celebrates the first of three yearly divine services for the Departed. Based on the understanding  that God wants all men to be saved we believe that sacraments are not limited to souls living on earth. We pray for all mankind. Only Jesus can deliver from evil and draw souls to Him. Salvation is not just limited to life on earth. Jesus sent His Apostles to help all in need; let us have empathy for all souls, here and in the beyond and have the desire to contribute to their salvation. Continue reading

On 21st September we observe the International Day of Prayer for Peace. Together for PEACE, Respect, safety and dignity for all goes this year’s message of the United Nation.

Christians remember the famous greetings of Jesus: PEACE BE WITH YOU. Yet also the Psalmist desired the city of Jerusalem be filled with peace and salvation from within and that its inhabitants should share in it, as expressed in a pilgrim song record in Psalm 122.

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DAH Edy Isnugroho visited for the first time Myanmar. Apostle Fred Wolf introduced him to the congregations in the Kalay area from August 8 to 9 conducting divine services in Layingsuh, Kanan and Sankangyi. 5 children were sealed, 3 Priests and 2 Deacons ordained. The Brethren offered him a warm and joyful welcome.