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DAH Edy Isnugroho visited for the first time Myanmar. Apostle Fred Wolf introduced him to the congregations in the Kalay area from August 8 to 9 conducting divine services in Layingsuh, Kanan and Sankangyi. 5 children were sealed, 3 Priests and 2 Deacons ordained. The Brethren offered him a warm and joyful welcome.

In Yangoon he then  joined the District Apostle for a weekend of seminars, fellowship and divine service. Central focus in the Brother meeting was on understanding our ministry, its meaning and purpose. A plan to build a new Central Church in the Capital was another item on the agenda.
The children and youth enjoyed the visitors with their instruments and voices the honor of God. The divine service was based on Psalm 27:4. What do we desire today and where do we want to dwell in our time? We can always knock at the door of God’s house and we shall be welcome. Let us dwell in it and experience His beauty in His grace and in the fellowship with His children.
Myanmar is cared for by the local national rector Sh. Matthew Thang and Apostle Fred Wolf as well as Bishop Samuel Tansahtikno.