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Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter, again we celebrate high-feasts of Christianity. Such days should not be lived through without reflection on their meaning. We remember the high light of the life of Jesus. Our thoughts are directed to His entrance into Jerusalem and visit at the temple where He made a clear statement. The victory of Jesus Christ over evil and His resurrection is essential for our own resurrection day.

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This year’s second edition of our worldwide congregation magazine is available. Download from this website, get hard copy in your congregation. The publication of the New Apostolic is a very informativ read. Spiritual topics are covered, soul care, doctrine explained, stories concerning our faith, news and most importantly the Chief Apostle’s proclamation of the living word. Even a children section and pictorial of our activities in South East Asia are not missing. Your feed back is appreciated.

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All new apostolic congregations celebrated the beginning of the new year with a commitment to glorify God, our Father!

The Chief Apostle greeted the members with an address for all Christians.

Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen (Philippians 4:20) The Apostle Paul said “NOW”. Praise and worship is the essential task of all Christians and also today, this call is for “NOW”

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It was a blessed 4th advent weekend. The Apostle Fred Wolf visited the Yangon congregation and was warmly welcomed by the members. While Brother meetings were on the program also a workshop for christmas decorations and the children’s orchestra had a rehearsal. A visit to a village outside of the city for a children’s gathering was a special highlight of joy.

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Remembering the departed is a Christian duty. God wants all souls to be saved.

Let our service of kindness, humility, meekness and longsuffering (Colossian 3:12) be for the living and the dead.

Amazing grace will bring the souls near the light of Jesus Christ. From darkness to the light. We join together in prayer and

….your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you” (John 16:20)

This was the theme of the District Apostle’s visit to Myanmar. The leading priestly Brothers, gathered on Saturday 30th July at our Yangon Church for a one day seminar. “if the Lord Jesus asked to pray for workers for the plentiful harvest (Matthew 9: 37–38) then there still must be disciples to be found to help along” the District Apostle elaborated. Indeed there is still much potential in this country of Myanmar where everything goes into a promising direction. Sunday Divine Service was based on the bible word of Luke 8:16. Light is most effective from above. We know that from practical life.

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14/15th November 2015.  For many years today’s retired Apostle, David Thang labored and established congregations in his native Chin State and many other areas in northwestern Myanmar, near the Indian Border. Yet the Church activities were highly restricted and Foreign Brother among them also  District Apostles could only visit a very few congregations besides the capital Yangon. Continue reading

Some 1000 Christians in Myanmar believe in the doctrine of today’s Apostolate active in the New Apostolic Church for over 30 years.

Started by Canadian Missionaries the Myanmar NAC is today incorporated in the Regional church of South East Asia.

We invite you to our Divine Services at Yangon Church. Come and see and hear the word of God.