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This was the theme of the District Apostle’s visit to Myanmar. The leading priestly Brothers, gathered on Saturday 30th July at our Yangon Church for a one day seminar. “if the Lord Jesus asked to pray for workers for the plentiful harvest (Matthew 9: 37–38) then there still must be disciples to be found to help along” the District Apostle elaborated. Indeed there is still much potential in this country of Myanmar where everything goes into a promising direction. Sunday Divine Service was based on the bible word of Luke 8:16. Light is most effective from above. We know that from practical life.

Light we need to see but also to be seen. Let us not hide it. The light of Jesus, the light of the word of God, the light of the Apostolate sent to us. Yet we all are by the works of our faith, the light of the world.

Myanmar is cared for by the national rector, Sh. Matthew, Apostle Wolf from Thailand and Bishop Tansahtikno from Indonesia.