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What have Chief Apostle Richard Fehr and Apostle David Thang in common? Both were ordained Apostles in Bern on 25th May 1980. He and our retired Apostle David Kap Cin from Myanmar together with Bert Woll (Canada) Khushal (Pakistan) Okoh (Nigeria) and Muth (Colombia) were called into this ministry by Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler. David was barely 35 years old.

These names are well known in the history of the world wide mission movement of the New Apostolic Church. In what was then called Burma it was then District Elder Edy Deppner from Canada who came to Yangoon with a testimony and David Thang was attributed with the establishment of the church and promotion of the Apostles Doctrine in Myanmar. For many years he travelled to the northern states and often under difficult circumstances. Only many years later Ap Fred Wolf (Thailand) could reach some of those areas for a foreigner the first time. Great was his joy to see lively congregation, the proof of the good work David Thang did.

Today there are some 1300 members in the country of Myanmar. the 18 congregations are organized in District Apostles Area of South East Asia
(DA Edy Isnugroho)